Monday, November 29, 2010

The Idea

In conjunction with Art Basel Miami 2010, we present the Amateurs.


From the Latin amator, (“lover of”).
Sanskrit’s ama means “uncooked” or “undigested”.
1. A person who engages in an activity for pleasure rather than for financial benefit or professional reasons.
2. A person inexperienced or unskilled in a particular activity.

Here’s what we know:

Amateur passion is about compulsion and conquest and the desire for self-fulfillment and external validation.

The amateur manifests his own happiness and his own struggle. The evolution of the amateur is an exploration of the passionate heart, illuminated by freedom and by transformation. His non-professional contribution becomes
a passionate extension of his visceral self. He cultivates a reciprocal relationship with his work, which may stand in opposition to the relationship he cultivates with his profession.

The thing the amateur loves, he does. He doesn’t wait for the right moment or for the right capital or even for the right audience. The weird and complex and brutal world is his audience. And it hasn’t applauded yet.

This audience is now inundated with a stream of information from a growing community of amateurs, primarily facilitated by the web. Curiously, it is quite often an amateur who assumes the role of the critic.

Is this recent growth in the amateur’s influence an indication that he stands to inherit the future, or will the future disinherit the amateur? Perhaps the very definition of “amateur” will shift entirely.

As a collective, we look to the person who awaits the world’s applause and we decide whether to applaud.

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